Pawn stars game of thrones
Pawn stars game of thrones

pawn stars game of thrones

Perhaps songs are one way to create order out of chaos.perhaps that is what the Song of Ice and Fire is.bringing these currently chaotic natural forces back into some kind of balance? More like this is totally crackpot but there you go. This is an excellent example of someone who was previously underestimated using songs to play the game of (Northern) thrones. We have already seen Manderly request a number of songs to be played as sort of a soundtrack for the Pink Wedding (see: the Rat Cook, and Danny Flint). I have no idea how exactly, but it seems to me there are two things about songs that cause characters to heap such scorn upon them - first, that songs often contain lies (either intentionally as propaganda or romantically in terms of a 'happy ending' tale where there was none in reality), and conversely, that songs may sometimes contain uncomfortable or dangerous truths that one does not wish to be spread (see Joff torturing the singer). Perhaps this is stretching it a bit, but maybe this is yet another sign that Sansa may learn to use songs to her advantage, against LF. LF wouldn't like life to be as well-ordered as a song, because then he wouldn't be able to create so much chaos. Interestingly, it is he who makes that famous statement that life is not a song. Well, Littlefinger is the ultimate Loki character for me in this series, creating and thriving on chaos. One I remembered is that Väinämöinen's magical voice and music is said to turn chaos into order. That said, I nevertheless can see a connection there that I did not quite see before, now that you mention it. So, yes, a charmer, but hardly the pretty young singer type that Marillion appears to be. However, Väinämöinen is much more of an Odinic figure, often referred to as 'the Old Man', he is depicted with a flowing white beard and was a major inspiration for Tolkien's wizard characters. He too journeys beyond death to the 'underworld' across the 'dark stream' to the land of Tuonela. I have always associated Orpheus (or Orfeo as he is called in medieval poetry), with the figure of Väinämöinen from Finnish folklore/mythology, known as the eternal bard, who can also charm all the creatures of the woods with his music. Perhaps, he's not and has something planned against LF).

pawn stars game of thrones

He was one of the handful of Greek heroes to visit the Underworld and return his music and song even had power over Hades (In past threads I've likened LF to Hades in mythology-I'm stretching it but, maybe Brash has something when she mentions he might not be dead. Poets said that Orpheus' music and singing could charm the birds, fish and wild beasts, coax the trees and rocks into dance, and divert the course of rivers. Greeks of the Classical age venerated Orpheus as the greatest of all poets and musicians. I need to look back to see if LF mentioned hearing music.) As an archetype of the inspired singer, Orpheus is one of the most significant figures in the reception of classical mythology in Western culture, portrayed or alluded to in countless forms of art and popular culture including poetry, opera, and painting Remember Sweet Robin stating Marillion's singing kept him up all night, and Sansa heard it too. ( I did find the part about his death at the hands of those who couldn't hear his music very interesting. The major stories about him are centered on his ability to charm all living things and even stones (Remember at the point when Sansa meets him she is Alayne Stone) with his music, his attempt to retrieve his wife, Eurydice, from the underworld, and his death at the hands of those who could not hear his divine music. Orpheus is a legendary musician, poet, and prophet in ancient Greek religion and myth. I drew a minor comparison (minor because not everything "fits" -like as far as we know he's not married ,etc) of Marillion to Orpheus of Greek mythology: With all the talk about singers and Marillion, you ladies had me thinking last night. Maybe back in the day a pretty-boy lead singer of a band stole the eye of a girl he liked.

pawn stars game of thrones

The negative portrayals of singers seem limited to male characters in the series. If GRRM has a personal grudge against singers, it would seem to be one specifically against charismatic *male* singers who are attractive to young ladies.

Pawn stars game of thrones